The Content of One's Character

When we look back over the course of history there are several speeches that still ring with passion and spirit to invoke modern emotion. Kennedy's "Ask Not" challenge, Lincoln's Gettysburg address, and Martin Luther King's "Content of Character" speeches have stood the test of time.

When we recall the words of Dr. King we tend to gloss over the specific meaning of what he had to say. Most think that content of character simply means we should judge people for who they are beneath the pigmentation of their skin. Although this is true, if we are really to appreciate the content of character we must understand what creates one's character in the first place.

Character is nothing more than a group of cultures. It is what we have learned from our experiences based on our experiences in whatever religious, economic, geographical, recreational, vocational, physical inventory, gender, sexual orientation, and racial cultures.

Character is the cultures taught to us by her parents, witnessed in our friends, impressed upon us by the media, and demonstrated by our heroes.

King's words prompt us to look into the soul of a person instead of pre-judging outward appearances.

Pre-judging is easy. It is often wrong and can cost us friendships, business opportunities, and growth experiences.

I remember a Franchise Expo we held in the early days of MBC Global. An older unshaven man in ragged clothes toured the display floor feeling no need to impress. The exhibitors ignored him, preferring to talk to the crisp, well pressed suits. When he did speak, he did so in what appeared to be uneducated English. Without being introduced to a single franchise opportunity he decided to exit. As he was leaving I spoke to him briefly. He said he wanted to come even though it was a weekend day normally dedicated to sleeping in and spending time with his family. The following Monday he sat behind his desk managing his empire of 84 gas stations.

Just as these franchise salespeople missed an opportunity, we all miss opportunities when we jump to erroneous conclusions simply because we don't get to know the contents of one's character.

Before passing judgment take the time to understand the cultures contained within a person's character. Only then will you be able to get beyond your prejudices.

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Magness Creek Elementary School Character Education

A review of the "Just Do The Right Thing" Character Education Program at Magness Creek Elementary School.
Classroom Use

Teachers go over the 10 questions with the students daily. All students, kindergarten – fourth grade, earned their bracelet within 4 weeks time. When teachers see students making bad choices, teachers redirect students throughout the day by asking the questions that are appropriate to the situation.
Schoolwide Use

At the end of the morning announcements, I always have a Question of the Day. This question is one of the 10 questions of Just Do the Right Thing. I give students a couple of seconds to respond and then I state the answer to the question. I end the announcements by telling the students to have a great day and Just Do the Right Thing.

The counselor, assistant principal, and I also utilize the questions throughout the day as needed.

When any of us see students for various reasons, we incorporate the questions. This could be with students who are sent to us or students we come across throughout the day. I have also used the questions when talking with parents and asked parents to ask their child some of the questions.
Common Language

The use of this program has given us all a common language to use with students to try to instill good decision making in terms of their behavior and actions. There have been several times when I have been able to specifically tie a question to some special event. Some specific examples are:

1. We had a Go Green environmental awareness week where some students gave suggestions of what we all could do to help the environment. Our question that tied in with this week was - Respect? When I stated the answer – Yourself and the world around you, I told students that they could respect the world around them by taking care of the environment.

2. During testing week, I used the question – Life is? When I responded – Performance based, I explained to the students that this testing was an example of being performance based.

3. When we talk to students about peer pressure, we use the question – Show me? When we answer – Your friends and I'll show you your future, we explain that friends can have a real impact on what they eventually become.


We really feel this program has had a positive influence on our students. Our fourth grade students have experienced these questions only for one year. However, our kindergarten students who will have been with us for five years will have heard and answered these questions over 900 times during their early elementary years. As they are asked and state the answer to the questions every day, we hope we are instilling values in them that will take them through life.

-Kelly Whiddon
Magness Creek Elementary School

By: Francis David

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Character Education Exercise Power with Gratitude

You should have encountered thousands of people in the worst situations that you can ever imagine who might have changed their lives completely through gratitude. I know of miracles that have taken place in health where there seemed to be of no hope: failed kidneys regenerate, disease hearts get cured, eyesight is restored, tumors disappear, and bones grow and rebuild themselves. I know of shattered relationships that have transformed into magnificent ones through gratitude: failed marriages completely restored, estranged family members reunited, parents transforming relationships with children and teenagers, and teachers transforming students through educating character. I have seen people who were in total poverty become rich through gratitude: people turned around failing businesses, and people who had struggled with money all their lives created abundance.

I know of people who were in despair who propelled into joyful and fulfilling lives through gratitude. Character education teaches your kids exactly how to show gratitude towards others.

Every single savior of the world used gratitude, because they all knew that gratitude was one of the highest expressions of love. They knew that when they were grateful, they were living in exact accordance with the law. Why do you think Jesus Christ said thank you before he performed every miracle?

Every time you feel grateful you are giving love, and whatever you give, you receive. Whether you're giving thanks to a person or feeling grateful for a car, a vacation, a sunset, a gift, a new house, or an exciting event, you are giving love for those things, and you will receive back more joy, more health, more money, more amazing experiences, more incredible relationships, more opportunities.

Try it now. Think of something you're grateful for. You could choose the person you love more than anyone else in the world. Focus on that person and think about all the things you love and are grateful for about that person. Then, in your mind or out loud, tell that person all those things you love and are grateful for about them, as though they were there with you. Tell them all the reasons you love them. You can recall particular instances or moments by saying, "remember the time when …" As you're doing it, feel the gratitude begin to fill your heart and body.

The love you gave in that simple exercise must and will return to you in the relationship, and in your whole life. That is how easy it is to give love through gratitude.

Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. His discoveries completely changed the way we see the universe. And when asked about his monumental achievements, Einstein spoke only of giving thanks to others. One of the most brilliant minds that have ever lived thanked others for what they had given to him – a hundred times a day! That means at least a hundred times a day, Einstein gave love. Is it any wonder that life revealed so many of its mysteries to Albert Einstein? Teach your kids to show gratitude as it will keep them connected with power, through character education.

Academic instruction isn't the only responsibility teachers have in today's classrooms. More and more, teachers are being called on to teach students about values ... things like making good decisions, the showing of respect, taking responsibility, choosing friends, and having a positive attitude.  It's a responsibility that could be overwhelming, considering the limited hours available in a school day, the number of kids in the classroom, and the diversity of backgrounds and personalities each child represents.

Character Education by Just Do The Right Thing" is a practical and powerful tool that equips educators to tackle values training with confidence.

By: Francis David

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Architectural Salvage Project to Add Character and Excitement to Your Home

Hello to all you "archeologists" (of the salvage variety) here is a great idea to bring the "outside" into the "inside" of your home before the weather hits and you are "confined to quarters"!

The idea is a outdoor inspired mirror made at very low cost from a old architectural window and a pair of shutters in complimentary size and scale to the window. Generally the window can have as many panes as inspire you or be one solid piece of plate glass. A really interesting window and our "design idea" is created from diamond pattern windows. Put your "creativity hats on" here goes the idea:

Step 1. Find a very inspiring window that has the "patina" or old character that inspires you. Your local salvage store, demolition yard, antique or thrift store, flea market or a really inspiring garage or estate sale should provide a treasure for you to "recreate"!

Step 2.

Add a pair of shutters from the same source of supply that are complimentary in scale if you want a "cottage front style" or leave it window only if your inspiration dictates.

Step 3. Cut the window caulking away from the glass with a razor blade knife and remove the glass. Take the glass to your closest mirror store and have them cut inexpensive mirror pieces in the same size as the glass. (many times they have "mis-cuts" that they will offer to you at very low prices). Home Depot will also cut mirror for you at low prices. If you are handy get a piece of plate glass mirror and a glass cutter and do it yourself.

Step 4. Place the new mirrored panels into the window frame and re caulk the mirror around the edge of the window frame. "PRESTO / CHANGO" you have a wonderful architectural design element for your home.

You will be surprised how dramatic this element is creating a feeling of depth to your room.

Step 5. Add picture hangers to the back to mount this to the wall or screw in your new mirror to the wall.

Here are some other variations to inspire you:

Variation #1- Add a pair of shutters. Mount the shutters on either side or your "window mirror". This will create a "cottage wall" type of effect to your mirror creation.

Variation #2- Add a flower box. A really cool idea to either find or build a proportionally sized flower box below your mirrored window. You can purchase one inexpensively from your local home improvement store or build one from some new wood (with a paint job of your choice). 1x6 redwood or cedar fence boards (under per 6' board) work great plus their rough surfaces are better with the old patina of your window mirror. Mount your window box under the window mirror (with or without) the shutters and add silk flowers or green plants and you will have a bit of the outside to cheer your soul (for those of you who deal with inclement winters).

I hope you enjoy this inexpensive architectural adventure to add rustic character to your home. I will be sending you more architectural information and ideas in the future! Stop by any time and get architecturally inspired and educated. There is great satisfaction and fun in "doing your own thing and finding new and wonderful uses for salvaged items. You also are doing a "ecologically solid" thing by rescuing salvaged materials from the landfill!

If you live in Southern California, please stop by and visit our two acre primitive and architectural store, Silverado Warehouse in Rainbow, California (4 mi. so. of Temecula). We will work with you personally to find new uses for great old things! Visit us online at

Animated or Cartoon Characters Could Help You Make a Successful Career

Superman, Batman, and many other super heroes, Tom & Jerry and the famous Popeye! Do you wonder where all they come from or how they were created? Ever imagined what purpose they are meant to serve? Probably they all are a part of intelligent and creative thinking of people and have been able to amuse all from the time they were introduced to the world. A cartoonist in the year 1971 created Chacha Chaudhary which was later adapted into a television version and it became a favorite of almost all. Most of the cartoon characters have comics' editions too but definitely people love to watch the animated version or moving clips of such characters in action. The appeal of animation or cartoons is not limited to kids but adults too like watching them. Ask any person who would not have any idea about Tom & Jerry series. If only comics were produced on the same, probably the attraction to read or know about them would have been meager.

It is animation or the moving concept, added with audio content is what has been able to lend a shine and edge to such cartoon clips of Tom & Jerry series.

There is art involved in every way when it is about creating a full-fledged character. If you desire pursuing a career in the animation industry it becomes vital to undergo a well-designed training program for which also a reputed training center is important. With time the technique has gained popularity and subsequently more number of students desire making a career in the sector. There are many animation institutes which offer the best of the trainings that one can get. They have highly planned programs for students and classrooms equipped with the needed facilities to be given to the pupils. It is very important when you opt to get admission in any of these institutes if they as well would offer placements with reputed names and firms in the industry or not. A lot of institutes as well offer in-house or practical trainings so that students get a needed level of exposure.

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Making Character Education Real

First and foremost, every educational system of every society should be successful in teaching the basic skills need for survival in that society, be they physical, emotional or financial. If we were to ascertain only one educational goal, it emphatically should be that, particularly through Character education. Above all, every student should come through the system knowing the most basic of all skills: how to learn, how to respond to what needs to be done right now. Anything else we might teach would be frosting on the cake, but if our character education system is failing at teaching the basic skills for living, we can barely claim that it is serving us well.

If we are to be successful, not only in our own lives but as a society that our children and their children can enjoy, we must face the fact that most of the skills we really need for living successful lives have been pretty well trained out of us by the time we've graduated.

In most cases, our natural responses for learning and responding appropriately to the world are deadened, or at least temporarily anesthetized, so that they are of little or no use to us. The current educational system hardly ever supports and builds upon our natural learning abilities. At the very least these abilities have been disregarded; at the worst, they have been battered, thoroughly deflation of our self confidence and sense of self-determination. No matter how you look at it, we are deprived of the joy of learning that is our birthright, leaving us crippled as we go out into the world in search of success. How do we even begin to recuperate what we have lost? And how do we make certain our children don't grow up in a system that not only fails to teach them the value of their natural learning abilities, but may actually undermine them? Change begins with understanding. The three kinds of learning that ought to be included in any character education curriculum are:

1. Mental learning: Memorized facts, consisting of storing certain chosen data in our brains, much as we'd file away data in a computer.
2. Physical learning: Hands-on experience, involving all the senses, engaging most of the nervous system.
3. Emotional and subliminal learning: Involving the student through feelings of joy, fear, sorrow, love, compassion, euphoria, and exultation.

For learning to occur, all three kinds must be employed in the character education curriculum; one must not be emphasized to the exclusion of the others.

Academic instruction isn't the only responsibility teachers have in today's classrooms. More and more, teachers are being called on to teach students about values ... things like making good decisions, the showing of respect, taking responsibility, choosing friends, and having a positive attitude.  It's a responsibility that could be overwhelming, considering the limited hours available in a school day, the number of kids in the classroom, and the diversity of backgrounds and personalities each child represents.
Character Education by Just Do The Right Thing" is a practical and powerful tool that equips educators to tackle values training with confidence.

By: Francis David

Character Education An Extended Arm of Education

How do you define the term ‘Education'? Education is a lifelong activity or the process of teaching, which begins at one's birth and continues till he dies. Education plays a very important role in the development of any individual and the society itself. Education can be of various forms. It can be formal or informal, traditional or modern and it can be indigenous or imported.

Character education, an extended arm of education is intended to educate one's character and behavior. Character education programs conducted in schools cultivate positive personal attributes and civility among all students. It is a deliberate effort to create a community of harmony in which positive personal attitudes and values are fostered. Character education promotes these qualities and requires to be continuously and constantly practiced in every student's day to day actions.

So, we can say that character education promotes desirable qualities such as honesty, respect, integrity, and responsibility.

Some people believe that reading Bible stories to your child or behaving in front of you kid in a way you expect him to behave is a part of character education. But this is not the real truth, even though doing these things may be important. In fact, character education is something that should be instilled in your child whether you are around him or not. It should be a whole-school effort to create a broader and better community in which positive personal attributes and values are fostered.

Many of the issues that today's world encounters like, gang activity, crime, drug abuse, vandalism, juvenile delinquency or racial tensions are all caused due to the lack of good character qualities. Or it may even be the misapplication of good behavioral qualities. If we have to find a long term solution to these issues then we need to treat them from the roots. We must do that by working to improve our own character first and then should also help others around us to improve theirs too!

We need to develop character and good behavior through teaching a set of core ethics and values. We then need to help and assist the rest of the world by teaching and demonstrating these values to all children, youth and adults.

Even business leaders are now emphasizing more on the need of Character education programs to achieve more profit. Employees who are more diligent, responsible, alert or attentive will certainly become an asset to any business establishment and thereby helping the business to be more successful. Hence, we should and we must think in terms of character development in every walk of our life. Character education and training will definitely ensure you lasting success!

Academic instruction isn't the only responsibility teachers have in today's classrooms. More and more, teachers are being called on to teach students about values ... things like making good decisions, the showing of respect, taking responsibility, choosing friends, and having a positive attitude.  It's a responsibility that could be overwhelming, considering the limited hours available in a school day, the number of kids in the classroom, and the diversity of backgrounds and personalities each child represents.

Character Education by Just Do The Right Thing" is a practical and powerful tool that equips educators to tackle values training with confidence.

By: Francis David

Why My Father Was a Mets Fan Character Education, Educating Both Body and Mind

If you think that sports are only a bit, look at how much of people's lives are taken up by them. Every human society has provided its citizens a range of diverse sports to play and watch. If a time machine were to transport you to another era of history, regardless of where you end up you would still be able to find a sports team or star athlete to follow. There must be something sensitively fundamental about sports.

Sports have dimensional appeal because they offer people with inherently valued experiences that please their basic desires. Even though many people think that sports are above all motivated by the need for physical activity, sports in fact can satisfy nearly all basic desires. The various emotional characteristics of sports like excellence, teamwork, survival, winning, temperament, character and leadership does comply with different basic requirements or desires.

Sports vary in how much effort and endurance are required.

For example, the Badwater running race in Death Valley is 115 miles long and takes a robust athlete more than 37 hours to complete. Some of us have difficulty staying awake for 37 hours continuously, let alone running for that long. In comparison, sports such as croquet and bird watching require so little physical exertion that some people might not even regard as them sports. I guarantee you, however, that they are included in many books on sports. Golf, fishing, and table tennis also are among the less physically demanding sports.

By and large, we choose to participate in those sports that require an amount of physical exertion just right for our nature. We actively avoid participating in sports that require what we feel is too much physical exertion. The physical exertion required to participate in a sport, and the level of violence or aggression, are two overarching factors influencing whether or not we will play that sport.

Physical activity is more than exercise—it is also a value that parents and teachers should instill in their children and students. Since Aristotle thought that education should be designed to teach young people how to satisfy their needs, he favored including physical education as part of the school curriculum. In recent times, the Character education curriculum at many schools has been based on the philosophy of educating the "whole" person, which means both body and mind. This philosophy which is included in many character education programs and activities does recognize physical development as an essential and fundamental value.

By: Francis David

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Muhammad was the humblest at the zenith of his achievements

If a man's world-admired accomplishments or the wealth and fame he has gained do not change him, if he can remain as humble as he was at the beginning of his career, this shows that person's strength of character, morality and virtue. Despite his unparalleled achievements, which force even his enemies to place him at the top of the greatest men of human history, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, was poorer and more humble when he entered Makka victoriously than he was at the beginning of his mission.

Those who saw the Messenger would say: ‘One with such a face cannot lie.'

One's face reveals one's inner world and character. Those who saw the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, could not help but admire his appearance and, if they were unprejudiced, acknowledge his truthfulness.

For example, ‘Adbullah ibn Salam, the most renowned Jewish scholar of the time, believed in him at his first sight of him, saying: ‘One with such a face cannot lie.'

If a fire-fly claimed that it is the sun, its lie could last only until the sun rises. Turkish people say that a liar's candle only burns till bedtime, meaning that a lie has only a very short life. So, a deceitful one pretending Prophethood will soon be discovered and no one will accept him as a true Prophet.

Muhammad's utmost conviction of his cause, together with his sincerity and solemnity prove his Prophethood

Even an insignificant man of small standing, in a small group in a disputed matter of little importance, cannot tell a small but shameful lie openly and comfortably without displaying such anxiety and uneasiness as will make his enemies aware of his deception. Since the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, challenged everybody to come until the Last Day and uttered many important speeches in a large community concerning a great cause, with great ease and freedom, without hesitation or anxiety, with pure sincerity and great solemnity, and in an intense and elevated manner that provoked his enemies, it means that he was certainly a Prophet speaking whatever God revealed to him.

Despite being unlettered, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, spoke on every issue and has not been contradicted ever since.

It is impossible for an unlettered one to speak on a matter requiring expert knowledge, especially before those with specialized knowledge of that matter. However, despite being unlettered, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, spoke on every issue from theology and metaphysics to medicine, history, physics and biology and has not been contradicted ever since. Besides, when he was raised up as a Prophet, the arts of literature, eloquence and oratory were at their peak and the Qur'an he received from God challenged all of its opponents to bring the like of a single chapter of its but no one has ever been able to do that. This, again, clearly shows that Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, is a Prophet of God.

Muhammad had to confront all kinds of hardships and persecutions after Prophethood and spent for his cause whatever he had.

For the sake of a deception no one risks his life, wealth and reputation and bears great hardships and persecutions unless he has great aspirations to more wealth and great worldly positions. Before claiming Prophethood, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, was well off and had a respected place among his community. However, he had to confront all kinds of hardships and persecutions after Prophethood and spent for his cause whatever he had. His enemies slandered him, mocked him, beat him, expelled him from his homeland and waged war on him. He bore all such cruel treatments and hostilities without complaint and asked God Almighty for the forgiveness of even his enemies. The only cause he pursued was to see everybody believing in and worshipping the One God exclusively and thereby prosperous in both worlds and saved from the torments of Hell.

Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, practiced with utmost sincerity and honesty what he communicated to others.

History has witnessed many leading persons who, since they themselves did not practice what they preached or propagated, did not have a large devoted following. Their ideas did not have an enduring effect on people and the systems they established did not last long. However, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, practiced with utmost sincerity and honesty what he communicated to others and was always the first and foremost in obedience to the religion he brought, in worship to the Creator and in avoidance of the religious prohibitions. This shows his full conviction of his cause and that he is a Messenger of God, Who sent him to humanity to guide them to the True Path.

For what reason other than conveying God's Message to people must he have endured all kinds of hardships and persecutions, such as sleeping on earth, suffering hunger for several consecutive days, spending a considerable part of his life on battlefields and military campaigns, being expelled from his homeland, becoming subject to mockeries and insults, etc?

Man acquires an established character until he is thirty and especially after thirty a man's character does not change. Particularly, it is very difficult for one to change his temper and disposition after he is forty. If-God forbid such a thought!- there had been any imperfection and blemish in the character of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, it would certainly have appeared before his Prophethood. Therefore, no one with a bit of intelligence and fairness, unless he is prejudiced, can accept that one who was never heard tell a lie and witnessed deceive until one was forty, would appear as the worst, meanest trickster of human history after forty.

A lying, deceitful one cannot have a large, dedicated following who are ready to sacrifice themselves for him. Despite being among the five greatest Prophets, Moses and Jesus did not have followers as devoted as Muhammad's Companions.

A lying, deceitful one cannot have a large, dedicated following who are ready to sacrifice themselves for him. Despite being among the five greatest Prophets, Moses and Jesus did not have followers as devoted as Muhammad's Companions. The followers of Moses, upon him be peace, betrayed him when he left them for forty days to receive the Torah on Mount Sinai, and began to worship a golden calf which Samiri made for them. Even after so many years of intellectual and spiritual training in the desert, except for two God-fearing men, they did not obey his order to fight against the Amalekites, the people of Goliath. As for Jesus, upon him be peace, one of his most devoted twelve followers betrayed him and attempted to submit him to his enemies. But the followers of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, known as the Companions, were so devoted to him that they sacrificed for him their lives and properties and their families and tribes. Although brought up among a primitive people and in a climate of ignorance, devoid of any positive notions of social life and administration, without a Scripture and immersed in the darkness of the uncivilized era after the Prophets, in a very short period, they became in the footsteps of their exalted leader, the Prophet Muhammad, the masters, guides and just rulers of the most civilized and socially and politically advanced peoples and states, and ruled the world from east to west in a world-admired fashion.

Also, innumerable exacting and profound scholars and world-famous scientists and pure, spiritual masters were brought up among the succeeding generations following the Companions. The civilization they established was the most magnificent one history has ever known. Is it conceivable, then, that all those most shining stars of human history followed a lying, deceitful one? God forbid such a thought!

The Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, was the most famous of humanity for high moral conduct and virtue.

The Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, was the most famous of humanity for high moral conduct and virtue. He appeared in the heart of a desert which was almost the most uncivilized part of the then inhabited world and where people were immersed in the worst kinds of immorality. Then, who do you think brought him up as the most virtuous one with the highest morality and best conduct? He had lost his father while he was yet in the womb of his mother. When his mother died, he was only six years old. It was impossible for his grandfather and uncle to bring him up as the most virtuous of all times, as they themselves did not have all of the good moral qualities Muhammad had and in the same degree as he had. His teacher was God, as he himself said: My Lord educated me and taught me good manners, and how well he educated me and how beautifully He taught me good manners!

No one in human history has ever been able to combine in himself all of the virtues and good qualities as perfectly as the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.

Human history has seen many virtuous persons. However, no one has ever been able to combine in himself all of the virtues and good qualities as perfectly as the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings. There have been many generous people but they have not been able to show enough courage when and where necessary. Likewise, there have been many courageous people, who have not been able to be lenient and generous at the same degree. But the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, combined in his person all the virtues and laudable qualities at the highest level.

Virtue and good morality also require balance. For example, if generosity exceeds its limits, it changes into extravagance. Similarly, if thrift cannot be kept within moderate limits, it changes into miserliness. Courage is usually confused with rashness and dialectics or demagogy is sometimes taken for being intelligent. In addition, virtue also requires knowing how to act in certain conditions. For instance, the self-respect which a weak man should wear before a powerful one becomes, if the powerful one assumes it, self-conceit. The humility which a powerful man should wear before a weak one becomes, if assumed by a weak man, self-abasement. Forbearance and sacrifice (of one's rights) on one's own account is good and a virtue; but when done on behalf of others, it is bad and a treason. An individual may bear patiently with whatever is done to him personally; but it is impermissible for him to, on behalf of the nation, bear patiently what is being done to the nation. Whereas pride and indignation on behalf of the nation are commendable, on one's own behalf they are not.

The Prophet Muhammad was perfectly balanced in his virtues and good moral qualities.

The Prophet Muhammad was perfectly balanced in his virtues and good moral qualities. He was perfectly courageous where to show courage was necessary, while he was perfectly mild, forgiving and humble among people. He was perfectly dignified but also very gracious. There was no one more generous than him but he was also thrifty and condemned extravagance. In short, all virtues and good qualities existed in him in a well-balanced combination.

Prophet Muhammad had all of the essential attributes pertaining to Prophets

According to theologians, there are six essentials of Prophethood common to all of the Prophets. They are truthfulness, trustworthiness, communication of God's commands, intelligence, infallibility and being free from all kinds of bodily and mental defects. History is a witness that the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, had all of these six essential attributes in a most perfect fashion.

Muhammad's achievements are unparalleled in history

A man encounters in his life many situations where he must make decisions with no delay and hesitation. Many decisions made in such situations may cause him great difficulties. The Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, made so great achievements in so short a time as 23 years that they are unparalleled in human history. He never faltered and all of his decisions proved to be true.

More than that, whatever he did and whatever he said did not concern only his own time but he addressed all times and places and all peoples and levels throughout the world to come until the Last Day. As none of his sayings have not been contradicted so far, no one has ever been able to criticize him for any of his actions, sayings and decisions. Is it possible for one who is not a Prophet taught by God, the All-Knowing, to have such intelligence, foresight, sagacity, insight, sound reasoning and prudence?

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Character Verses Reputation

Abraham Lincoln was very concerned with the nature of character, but he was also aware of the importance of having a good reputation. He explained the difference this way: "Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing."

In today's world that is overly preoccupied with image, it is easy to worry too much about our reputation and too little about our character. Building a reputation is largely a public-relations project, but building character requires us to truly focus on our values, actions, and always following through with what we commit ourselves to on a continual daily basis. Noble rhetoric and good intentions just are not enough to build true character.

I truly feel that your reputation is what people think of you and your character is what you actually are! Reputations will change with our circumstances and can be made or destroyed in a brief moment, but character is built through a person's lifetime.

What we should be concentrating on is moral strength based on ethical principles.

Character is revealed by our deeds and actions and not just words, especially when there is a gap between what we want to do, and what we should do, especially when doing the right thing costs more than we want to pay. Character is also not whether we accomplish our ambitions or goals in life, but how we truly live life through a lifetime.

Some think that the way we treat certain people cannot help or hurt us, like coworkers who we are in charge of, and people that are in a service positions like housekeepers, waiters, secretaries, and nurses, etc. How we treat these people truly displays more about our personal character than how we treat other's that we think are important.

Those who are honest, kind, and fair only when there is something to gain should never be confused with people of (real character) who demonstrate these qualities habitually, and under all circumstances and situations throughout their life.

Character is also revealed by how we deal with situations, pressures and temptations.

It is also disclosed by our everyday actions, (including) what we say and do when we think no one is looking and fell that will not get caught. Reputations come and go, but character will hold you through the storms of life. If you spend your time and energy in constantly building strong character, you will never have to fear or be concerned about what others think of you.

As a Christian I know that God sees all, and that He remembers all, and is ultimately the final judge of our actions in a lifetime spent on earth. Reputation is what people say you are; character is what God knows you are. Character is not a fancy coat we put on for public show only. Character is who we truly are, and will be judged by accordingly, on earth as well as in heaven. If you always concentrate on building character, your reputation will build itself. Develop your character, and you will never have regrets.

Why Globes Can Bring Character And Inspire So Effectively

Office work requires a certain amount of comfort, with a desk organised in just the way that the worker wants. It is no different with a home office or a study, where the occupant needs to be surrounded by what inspires, what focuses and, most of all, what maintains that secure, comfortable feeling. For this reason, the items in a study are all very special, and amongst the most popular items are globes.

Exactly why a globe should be so favoured is not that hard to understand. As a representation of the world, it takes a person away from the humdrum of personal life and encourages one to take a wider view of things. The resulting effect is to inspire thought and generate ideas, both of which are useful traits to the academic, business person or student. However, personal taste is also important, which explains why there is such an array of options, from the armillary globe to the globe drinks cabinet.

Other items that are popular are ceremonial face masks from far flung places, sculpture and art work that, more often than not, are of a different culture rather than a familiar one, and nautical implements such as the brass compass or chart magnifier.

When it comes to the globe, there is no shortage of options to choose from, not only in terms of design but also in topic.

For example, the terrestrial globe with which we are all so familiar can be presented with different effects. The relief can be raised, meaning that the mountain ranges can be felt under thumb, while the colouring of the seas can be blue or antique, which is a light brown, aged tone.

Obviously, a desk globe is small enough to sit discreetly on a desk, though there are larger versions that can measure around 12 inches in diameter.

The particular colours and raised relief options mean it is certain that the precise globe to complement the particular desk and room decor is available. Of course, the desk globe is small enough to be placed on window sills, on book shelves and on small tables.

With regards to the floor standing globe range, there is an even greater array of choices. Typically, a floor standing version stands at around a meter high, and can have either a pedestal or cradle body. The pedestal is simply on long pole, holding a meridian or semi meridian frame into which the globe is set. The pedestal is often made of wood, with finishes such as walnut and dark cherry amongst the most popular, but it can be of metal also, with brass and gold and silver plating highly prized.

A cradle is called such because the globe sits inside the leg frame itself, appearing as though it has broken through a table top. This design is much sturdier, with three or four legs holding up the meridian in which the globe itself is set. This design means the globe and body is generally looked upon as an item of decorative furniture, though it provides a far greater impression than simple furniture.

Of course, a globe does not have to depict a map of the world. Besides the fact that world maps through the ages are available in globe form, from modern day to the 17th and 18th centuries, it is also possible to find those depicting the ocean floors, the moon, one of the other planets or even the sun. This means that the specific interests of the occupant can be served.

So, if the occupant has a love for the sea, then along with a model sailing ship, ship bell and brass compass, one can place a maritime globe depicting the oceans, seas and the terrain below them. Or, if he or she has an interest in the stars, a constellation globe can depict the stars, to complement what other items of intrigue are placed in the room.

Most of us prefer to use globes to map out our route when we decide to travel, be it around the world or just on holiday to the next continent, especially when children want to know where we are going.

Its use as an educational tool can never be underestimated, though its range of alternative uses should not be forgotten either, with the globe drinks cabinet a favourite feature among globe owners.

Presidential Election 2008 - Candidates and Character

I guess in a perfect world, all of our political, civic, and religious leaders would be perfect models of moral decency, and perform with nothing but the utmost of efficiency and effectiveness in the jobs they are elected to. That world, of course, does not exist. The question I am going to raise is whether or not there is a direct coorelation between the moral and ethical values of a leader and his ability to lead effectively. The reason I throw this question out there is because I feel at times that we get so wrapped up the character of an individual, we fail to also honestly ask ourselves if the person is really the best man or woman for the job.

In our current election devout followers of both Barack Obama and John McCain would like to look at their candidate through rose colored glasses and try to paint him as someone who can do no wrong.

Or at least somehow morally superior and of higher character than the other person . The only thing that has saved this particular campaign from turning into a "my guy is more honest and trustworthy than your guy" slugfest, is the fact that the economy tanked.

I am going to go on record by saying that while character is important to me, it is a very fluid measuring stick that I use in my decision making process come election day. I don't expect Obama and McCain to be models of human decency and behavior, who I get to set on a pedestal and admire. I don't like putting our leaders up there, because they really do not belong there. They are there to do an important job - and to do it well - that is it. The way I look at it, I am basically casting my vote as to whether or not I want to hire one of these gentlemen as President of the United States. I want someone in there, who I feel is going to be effective in leading this country through all the challenges that lie ahead of it. In other words, ......"will this person get the job done?" least according to my standards.

Ultimately of course, we don't know how good the person is until he or she is on the job. But we do our best - we weigh the issues, trust our gut and hope we have elected the right individual. As my past voting record will indicate, I don't really care if the candidate is a Republican or a Democrat. I also don't care if he has had a model marriage or not. I don't care if he goes to church on Sunday. I don't care if he is an atheist, Muslim, Christian, or Jew. While I am very liberal on social issues, I would not vote against a candidate solely on the issues of abortion, stem cell research, gay marriage, or gun control. The reason I wouldn't is because these are not the pressing issues that I believe are critical to health and well being of this nation. I want to know how willing our President is to wage war and put our men and women in harms way. I want to know his approach and philosophy of interacting with our neighbors in the world. I want to know if he is going to do all he can to see that people in this country get decent medical care. Is he going try to support and improve education in this country? Is he going to have enough vision to keep this country's nose to the grindstone in terms of developing alternative forms of energy? And probably, most importantly to me, is this person going to be willing to listen to others and make decisions based on careful thought and analysis?

I think as citizens, we get too caught up in issues that, while important on one level, are not critical on another. Typcially, they are the moral and social issues that I have already mentioned. But right now, we need to focus on the big issues, the issues that truly will determine how we move forward as a nation. So when the candidates and their respective campaigns start ripping into each other about William Ayers, Charles Keating and any other "character" issues they can inject into the mix - try to keep these issues in perspective and remember what our real goal is here. We aren't just trying to elect "our guy"......we are trying to elect the best leader for the times.

One final point I would make about the moral absolutism that many throw into the political arena. History has far to many examples of effective presidents and world leaders who had moral shortcomings of one nature or another. That list would include Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and not to mention a number of others. I would hate to think where the world might be today without the guiding hand of some of these people. History is also littered with good and decent men - men of the utmost integrity and almost without reproach in terms of their moral standards - who were not particularly great leaders and in fact at times were downright incompetent in their performance.

Character is an issue in any election. I would be the first to admit I wouldn't vote for someone who had a long history of devious behavior in their public and private lives. I do feel, however, that it is a wiser approach to temper the character issue with a broader, practical and more realistic assessment of whether the person is right for the job or not. Sometimes that candidate, who we believe is the best reflection of our particular, individual moral values, ends up not being the best man for the White House...sometimes, it's that other, less than stellar character, who ends up being the best choice.